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SecuFirst HD Professional Edit APK dành cho Android

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V 1.0.89
  • 4.5

  • Trạng thái APK

Đánh giá Softonic

SecuFirst HD Chỉnh sửa chuyên nghiệp

SecuFirst HD Professional Edit is an Android app developed by omguardec2 in the Utilities & Tools category. This free app allows users to monitor their house or loved ones remotely.

With SecuFirst HD Professional Edit, there is no need to register or use a PC or laptop for installation. Users can start viewing live video within 5 minutes of turning on the app. The app is compatible with all SecuFirst cameras, making it easy to set up and start monitoring.

Users can watch live feeds from any cameras at any time and have the option to manually record videos or enable motion detection to automatically record when movement is detected. Recorded videos can be played back directly on a smartphone or tablet. Additionally, users can enable notifications to stay informed of any activity.

Overall, SecuFirst HD Professional Edit is a convenient and user-friendly app for remote monitoring, offering easy installation and a range of useful features.

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